글로벌 세계 대백과사전/사회 I·문화재/현대사회의 대중과 사상/현대대중사회/갬 블

York Cup Horse Races The prose version of Hayward seemed to have been accepted as the standard, in default of anything more satisfactory: the English critics, generally sustaining the translator in his views concerning the secondary importance of form in Poetry, practically discouraged any further attempt; and no one, familiar with rhythmical expression through the needs of his own nature, had devoted the necessary love and patience to an adequate reproduction of the great work of Goethe's life. The care and conscience with which the work had been performed were so apparent, that I now state with reluctance what then seemed to me to be its only deficiencies,--a lack of the lyrical fire and fluency of the original in some passages, and an occasional lowering of the tone through the use of words which are literal, but not equivalent. The present participle can only be used to a limited extent, on account of its weak termination, and the want of an accusative form to the noun also restricts the arrangement of words in English verse.

Bet Gabriel (7).JPG The prose translator should certainly be able to feel the manifestation of this law in both languages, and should so choose his words as to meet their reciprocal requirements. Hayward's prose translation. Where all the restraints of verse are flung aside, we should expect, at least, as accurate a reproduction of the sense, spirit, and tone of the original, as the genius of our language will permit. Poetry, indeed, may be distinguished from Prose by the single circumstance, that it is the utterance of whatever in man cannot be perfectly uttered in any other than a rhythmical form: it is useless to say that the naked meaning is independent of the form: on the contrary, the form contributes essentially to the fullness of the meaning. The English language, though not so rich as the German in such rhymes, is less deficient than is generally supposed. The difficulty to be overcome is one of construction rather than of the vocabulary. He shall not leave the spot alive.

Considering that most of the people do not have sufficient blood to have interaction in challenging activity that has a total belly, the human body will rebel at first by earning you're feeling horrible, but This really is an predicted response. I would like the crowd to sense alone well taken care of, In particular as it life and allows me live; The posts are established, the booth of boards finished. Ye crowd additional close to! My own job is cheered by the discovery, that the more intently I reproduced the language of the first, the more of its rhythmical character was transferred at the same time. I feel impelled, its meaning to ascertain,-- With trustworthy function, when for all, The hallowed Unique To change to my beloved German. Well-designed that you are, 'tis to not be denied, The remainder a bold address will earn you; In case you but in by yourself confide, At the same time confide all Other people in you. So, all which you as Sin have rated,-- Destruction,--aught with Evil blent,-- That is definitely my appropriate element. Hayward's totally omits the element of poetry.

Hayward's ear did not dictate to him the necessity of preserving the first rhythm. I honor him for the individual and conscientious labor he has bestowed on his translation,--I simply cannot but think that he has himself illustrated the unsoundness of his argument. Poetry isn't just a trend of expression: it's the sort of expression Completely essential by a particular class of Tips. The English ear is suspicious of latest metres and unaccustomed sorts of expression: there are critical detectives on the track of each author, along with a violation from the recognized canons is accompanied by a summons to judgment. In Poetry which endures by means of its personal inherent vitality, there is absolutely no forced union of both of these aspects. The author's assumed is stripped of a last grace in passing via his intellect, and commonly presents a great deal precisely the same resemblance to the first as an unhewn shaft into the fluted column.


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